Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cash donation for bushfire and flood victims

The Gold Coast City Council, on behalf of the Gold Coast community, has decided to make an initial donation of $200,000 cash to assist victims of the Victorian Bush Fires and $50,000 to assist North Queensland flood victims.

Gold Coast Mayor Ron Clarke said that Council had also asked its CEO to bring a report back to Council outlining other assistance that may be provided. It would include but not be limited to subsidised holidays for bushfire victims, relief and emergency workers.

Mayor Clarke said that Council would do everything possible to assist.
“At this stage we know that the fire and flood victims need cash donations to enable them to cover the basics. That’s why we felt a cash donation was the most pressing.

“In the coming weeks I’m sure we will be able to come up with some other practical ways that we as a Council and the Gold Coast community can help.”

“In the meantime, I urge Gold Coast people to donate all they can – particularly cash - via the Red Cross and Salvation Army”, said Cr Clarke .


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